
Exotic Food

If you have a passion for food, travel is one of the best ways to discover new culinary masterpieces. Even if you live in a metropolis where exotic cuisine is plentiful, there is something special about eating a dish in the place it was originally created, with locally grown ingredients, smells, sights and sounds. This posts offers a few suggestions about trips for self-proclaimed foodies.

Fish Food in Northeastern United States

From Boston to Maine, the US’ Northeastern states are known for their seafood. Start off with a hearty clam chowder, at Ned Devine’s Irish Pub in Boston – it’s located at Quincy Market, one of the city’s must see locations. Head north through Portsmouth, New Hampshire, stopping for the locally-acclaimed crab cakes at Jumpin’ Jay’s Fish Cafe. End your trip at Clam Shack in Kennebunkport, Maine, where the lobster rolls alone are worth the visit.

An elaborate assortment of seafood (image source: Wikipedia).

2. Pasta and Wine in Tuscany, Italy

One of the most famous food-lovers’ locations in the world, Tuscany is worth a visit. Spend a day or more at Academia Italiana di Cucina Pandolfini, a cooking school that offers classes that teach you how to cook pasta, risotto and bread, no matter how much (or little) cooking experience you have. If you prefer to have your food prepared for you, try Il Canto del Maggio, which mixes Tuscan classics with rural mainstays. When you’re there, make sure to take to the hills to taste the local Chianti wines at one of the many wineries that dot the lovely Italian landscape.

Vignamaggio Villa and Winery, in Tuscany (image source: Flickr).

3. Southern Spices in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

While Ethiopian food continues to become more popular in North America, Ethiopia isn’t talked about much as a must visit for foodies. Maybe it’s time for a change. Ethiopian food is typically served on injere, a spongy bread made with tef flour, and dishes are eaten communally. Addis Eats brings locals and visitors together for food tours that offer a glimpse into the culinary culture of Ethiopia – you can check out markets, visit the city, and of course, sample all kinds of delicious food. While in the city, have dinner at Yod Abyssinia Traditional Restaurant, which offers tastes of many different regions of the country.

A communal plate of injera and other Ethiopian dishes (image source: Wikipedia)

Happy eating!

Where’s your favorite place to experience exotic food? Share your story in the comments! If you’re interested in exploring new cuisines, contact our agents for help planning your next food expedition.

Sources: Coastal Living, Conde Nast Traveller, Serious Eats, Travel and Leisure

Note: Check out #ttot (Travel Talk on Twitter) to see what other people are saying about the topic of the week.

About Annie Gurvis

I am wrapping up my studies in Political Science, Geography and Urban Studies at Macalester College - a little liberal arts school in chilly Saint Paul, Minnesota. I've been fortunate to have travelled to almost all the United States (7 left!), a number of Canadian provinces and a few countries outside of North America - but even more of my travel knowledge comes from my deep love of travel books. I'll be writing about Travel Talk on Twitter - check out my new posts every Tuesday for a fun and engaging take on travel trends and topics.
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