
Why it’s Never too Late to Travel

When we read about travel we usually hear about the backpackers- the young, 20-something crowd who just graduated, or haven’t yet been to college.

But these days, the older folks are frequently outdoing their younger counterparts when it comes to adventure, and while you’re sure to see some of them river cruising, you’ll also find them scattered around the world, sleeping in hostels, and taking part in activities like bungy jumping, skydiving, and running with the bulls.

These are the baby-boomers, who never had a chance to travel, and now that their kids are grown they’re finally taking the opportunity to see the world.

They’re also families with kids, who are raising their children as ‘world-citizens’, allowing them to experience many different cultures as they grow.

Travel has never been so affordable or attainable, and there are a plethora of different ways for older travellers to explore the world.

Source: Moyan Brenn on Flickr

Source: Moyan Brenn on Flickr

Here are some reasons why it’s never too late to travel:

Travel is getting easier

While travel will always be challenging, there are so many options and different ways to travel, that there truly is something to suit everyone-whether you’re the type to relax onboard a cruise ship, and be transported from destination to destination, or go backpacking through South America.

There’s an incredible amount of information available both online, and through travel agents, and with services like Couchsurfing and Air B&B, connecting with people and making new friends overseas has never been easier.

Staying in touch is a breeze

Gone are the days when a postcard would take months to arrive, and phone calls at Christmas would cost an arm and a leg. With the invention of Skype and Facetime, staying in contact with loved ones is effortless. Skype offers web calling to land lines and mobiles for a few cents a minute, and social media sites like Facebook and Instagram mean you can share photos from your travels quickly and easily.

It’s often cheaper to travel long-term than it is to stay at home

That’s right. If you’re living in a Western country, paying rent or a mortgage, insurance, car payments, and food, you’re likely spending double to triple the amount you would traveling slowly through Southeast Asia or South America. Even parts of Europe are cheaper than you’d think, with cheap guesthouses starting from $8 a night.

Companies are increasingly marketing themselves to older travellers

Many travel companies are realising that while most older travellers don’t want to be staying in party-hostels, they do want to have the chance to learn about different cultures, see extraordinary sights, and get off the beaten path. Some of the best tour operators for older travellers include Wendy Wu, Helen Wong, Adventure Life, Thomson Safaris, National Geographic Expeditions, Intrepid, and even G Adventures.

Many of these operators will have different styles of tours, so guests can select their preferred comfort level, along with length of trip and itinerary.

About Stacey

Stacey has been traveling and working around the world since October 2010. She’s an adrenalin junkie, chocoholic, and serial expat, currently living in Southeast Asia. You'll find her blogging about her experiences at
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