
The Best Destinations to Visit During Shoulder Season

The time between early September and mid-October is known as “shoulder season”, and since it’s right between winter holidays and summer vacation, travel is usually slow. This means that hotel, cruise, and flight prices plummet, and since you’ll see both lighter crowds and lower prices, shoulder season is one of the best times to get a good deal and travel to dream destinations.

Here are the best destinations to visit during shoulder season:


Fall sees hotels rates in Hawaii fall to their lowest prices, since Labor Day sees tourists packing up their gear, checking out of their hotels, and flying home. If you book a vacation to Hawaii during September or October you’ll be scoring incredible discounts on accommodation and airfare, with quieter resorts and perfect weather.


In Greece, the beginning of September is the end of overbooked hotels, huge crowds, and hot weather. If you visit during the shoulder season once tourists have vacated, students have returned to college, the sea is still warm and hotel rates are much lower you’ll be able to have your dream vacation for much less.


Southern Caribbean

Many people are hesitant to head to the Caribbean during shoulder season which means you can either cruise or catch a flight to Tobago, Grenada, Barbados or Aruba and enjoy half-price luxury hotel rooms once you arrive.


Home to Machu Picchu, if you want to visit this incredible heritage site, it sees the least amount of traffic from tourists between September and November and you’ll be unlikely to see rain.


Spring begins in September in Australia, and while the flight is long from Canada, if you can manage to get a decent chunk of time off, you’ll be able to enjoy cheaper flights, better hotel deals, and fun things to do like the Night Noodle Markets and Sydney Fringe Festival.


If you want to visit Central, Southern, Western, or Eastern Africa, September is the time to go since it’s right after the dry season and before the wet season- meaning sunny, clear weather and fewer mosquitos. Parks will be quieter and since there’s less vegetation you’ll also have a better chance of spotting wildlife.


As the weather cools down, crowds begin to thin and you can sometimes catch a great deal on a hotel in Paris. Look for flight promotions, although keep an eye out for the trade fairs and fashion shows during September and October as hotel rooms can be a little harder to find.


After the crowds of summer tourists, travel to Florida dies down from September to November. That means less time spent waiting in line in theme parks, and it’ll also be easier on your body as both humidity levels and temperatures drop. You’ll be able to choose from hotels that may be out of your price range during the summer and school holidays.

About Stacey

Stacey has been traveling and working around the world since October 2010. She’s an adrenalin junkie, chocoholic, and serial expat, currently living in Southeast Asia. You'll find her blogging about her experiences at
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