
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling for Business

Traveling for business can sometimes be challenging, with long meetings, hectic schedules, and extended hours in the air. You often will barely have time to get some sleep, let alone focus on ensuring you stay healthy.

Here are some tips for staying healthy while traveling for business:

Focus on Food

When you don’t eat well, your sleep, exercise, and stress levels will suffer. In fact the number one way you can stay healthy while traveling is to ensure you’re eating well. If you’re lucky enough to be flying business, you should find that you have plenty of good food to choose from, however it’s also important to plan ahead.

When you’re at home, stock up on snack foods which are easily portable. Popcorn, dried and whole fruit, natural granola bars, trail mix, cheese sticks, and deli-style meats are all good options. Pack some food for the airport, such as a sandwich or salad, and you’ll find that your energy levels will stay consistent throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol when flying, as this will dehydrate you, and avoid those plates of carbs in meetings and conferences.


Be Sure to Exercise

Many people assume that exercising is impossible when traveling, however this couldn’t be further from the truth. Throw a few workout clothes into your bag, and commit to visiting the gym in your hotel each morning, or after a long day of meetings-exercise is a great way to get those endorphins flowing.

Running is an excellent option if you want to get outdoors, as it also allows you to see some of the city you’re visiting. Jump online and look for recommendations of good tracks or trails in the area, or download Mapmyrun, which is an excellent app with plenty of routes from other runners.

If you find that business travel makes you feel stressed, yoga can be a great choice. Not only can it be done anywhere- even in your hotel room, but it’s a good way to unwind, while building up muscles which aren’t used often if you spend a lot of time sitting down.


This may be easier said than done. Some people find it impossible to sleep in the air, regardless of how comfortable their seat is. For a natural way to help yourself sleep, try melatonin, which comes in pill form. Take it a few hours before a long haul flight, and when they dim the lights you’ll have a much greater chance of catching some zzz’s.

Once you’ve arrived, jetlag can sometimes make sleep feel impossible. Bring some of your favourite tea with you, and try to continue your normal night time routine as much as possible. Take a hot shower or bath, bring a travel candle (just don’t leave it unattended), and refrain from using any electronics for at least an hour before bed. Meditation is also a good option, and if you’ve never tried it before there’s a great app called Headspace, which guides you through the process, teaching you to calm your thoughts and create a little mindfulness.

About Stacey

Stacey has been traveling and working around the world since October 2010. She’s an adrenalin junkie, chocoholic, and serial expat, currently living in Southeast Asia. You'll find her blogging about her experiences at
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